Devils Marbles – Karlu Karlu

While marinating in the warmth of Bitter Springs, we checked out far away we were from Devils Marbles. When the discovered it was 666km away, it sent a chill done our spine and we knew it was a clear sign that we just had to visit!

The road was long and barren, littered with termite mounds and stray animal carcasses – quite a driveway for the Prince of Darkness.

Upon arriving at our location, we found nothing sinister about the magnificent beauty of Karlu Karlu that lay before us. We learnt it was a sacred meeting place for local Aboriginal people, where they would exchange dreamtime stories and celebrate special events.
When we walked through the park, we felt very small next to the enormous boulders that tower over us.

For those interested in how the marbles were formed, it was as simple as a play between wind and water. Around 1700 million years ago, the area was one large granite rock. The rock contained fissures (cracks), into which over time, wind and water filtered through and began weathering the rock. The weathering was greatest at the corners of the blocks and hence round boulders where formed. This is also how the rocks have split in half, creating perfect slices.

It’s back on the road for us, and on to Queensland we go!

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